Monday, January 17, 2011

Kinsley's 3rd Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Keith & Leigh, Shelby, Ava, & Bella Baker

 Yeah-Yeah playing on the jumpies!
We all had so much fun!!!!
Her friends that got to come to her party were: Luke & Levi Shope, Matthew & Kaityln Richardson, Hannah Hicks, Kaleigh Owen, Lily Grace McIntyre, Levi & Mary Kathleen McIntyre, Ava & Bella & Shelby Baker. 

Wayne's Big fall!

I finally worked off and got to play in the snow with Kinsley!

 Little did I know I had the sled upside down.  No wonder the snow was piling up in front of it and I was having so much trouble pulling her!

Playing in the snow at Yeah-Yeah and Lo-Lo's

 Building a snowman
 The finished product!  It looks like they are looking at each other!
 Sliding down their hill!  She loved that soooooooo much!!! 
 So much fun!
The other grandchildren liked it too!

Visiting Ma-Ma during the snow

 I had to stay at the hospital to work and sleep.  They put me up in an empty hospital room.  It was Wayne's Birthday and they came to visit.
 Pretending to sleep!
 Going back home.  Time for Ma-Ma to start work again.

The Big Snow!!!!


Being Silly

We replaced our floors

                                                             The old floor

                                                          The new floor

 Helping BaBa clean up afterwards

Taking down the Christmas Tree!
