Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Break-through Morning!!!!!

This is the first time she let us give her a bath/shower without fighting and crying!!
We showed her before we got in, that we would put the wash cloth over her eyes and then she shook her head ok! She got in the tub (she still will not sit) and she let me soap her up and spray her off! Then, time to wash her hair. She did great! We put the wash cloth over her eyes and wet her hair with the sprayer then washed it and rinsed it! NO TEARS- Yea!! Yea!! We have done this every time but she would cry! But I guess she figured out that the soap would not hurt her eyes. She then would NOT get out! She played in the tub for about 20 minutes (standing of course).


  1. Bath time may not be so scarry if she's not in the tub alone. She might sit down in the tub if you get in with her Sandra. Maybe start her out sitting on your legs and she can gradually get more comfortable sitting in the water. Just a suggestion.

    She is so beautiful. I can't wait to get on the computer every morning to see new pix and here new stories. I am so excited for you and Wayne. I loved the video of you and her squeezing the water out of your laundry. I know your so ready to get her home and sleep in your own bed.

    Hang in there. It won't be long now. I can't wait to see her in person.


  2. Amazing! Our oldest screamed through EVERY bath until we got home. Who knows what the change was, but finally at home she was okay with the water. She's darling!
