Wednesday, October 13, 2010


A caregiver that is not pictured with the others, came up and really tried to get Kinsley to come to her. We then went upstairs to see the play area and living area. We got to the play area and that same caregiver kept trying to get her to come to her. She brought other children in there, then she went and got her favorite snack. Kinsley reluctantly started eating it then ran to her. She would not come to me or Wayne at all after that. She started crying and acting like she did when we first met her. That kind of made us upset with that caregiver's persistence in trying to get her away from us. We just had to take her away and leave because she was so upset. We did not get to see the place where she sleeps or eats etc. By the time we got outside she was settling down and I took more pic's of the outside of the orphanage. We then left for the 2 1/2 hour drive back to our hotel.


  1. Do you guys have to go to the orphanage? I was just wondering or were you just trying to see where she has lived? Man, I hope you don't have to go back there after this experience. So sorry that happened.

  2. So sorry! That was a very selfish and cruel thing to do on her part. Hope you dont have to go back there.

  3. Oh Sandra, So sorry the caregiver did that! I know once we lay eyes on "our Children" We are their Momma, and you don't mess with Momma's baby! =)Did you not want to say, This is my child, Please leave her alone!!! Hope you don't have to return to the orphanage...We are waiting with excitement to meet Kinsley!!
    Blessings and Be Safe

  4. I want to think that maybe that caregiver was jealous of the bond that she could see beginning to form already between you and kinsley. it is a shame but they probably dont like americans very much and she had been with them for 2 years and she was probably a favorite. Anyway at least that part is behind you and you can move forward and kinsley will never have to go back there again. looking at this blog is the highlight of my morning. i cant wait when i get up to look and see what you have written.
