Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Kinsley has not had a lot to do with Wayne yet. She only wants me to do everything with her and to hold her. But, we have found one thing that she loves and that is to have lotion massaged into her legs, feet, arms, and hands. Her skin is very dry and has eczema especially on her ankles and her hands. She will let Wayne do this! He does it 3 or 4 times a day because her skin just soaks it up. She will hold her arms and legs out with anticipation!!


  1. She's a female alright!!!! I love it how she already knows how to make Wayne do her "beck-and-call". Hee hee. Smart girl!!!

  2. Both my girls have had eczema really bad. Some advice to help with that. Don't run her dry after her bath. Just dab her with towel to get the main water off and then rub the lotion in while her skin is still wet. Also, don't use the johnson and johnson baby wash or shampoo. Use aveeno body wash. I wash their hair with that as well. When you get back to the states you can get the generic at Wal Mart for a lot cheeper and bigger bottle and it works the same. that would be my recomendations from dealing with it for both of my girls. Love you guys and congratulations. She is so cute.

  3. Her letting him rub lotion is a good sign! That is a great tool for bonding, tell him to hang in there! Eventually she'll be a daddy's girl!
