Sunday, October 10, 2010


The building in the center (light orange and also across the street from our hotel) is where we have been several times to buy bottled water (we can't drink their water), coffee mugs, and hairspray. I'm not sure if I told about this earlier but the hairspray that I brought with me was an aerosol can and somehow the top came off during flight and sprayed out the whole can inside the suitcase! Luckily we had put almost everything in plastic space bags so most of the things in the suitcase were protected. However we did bring lots of zip-lock bags with us(out of the box) that were not protected and they all got saturated. We need those bags for different things so we had to wash them and set them around to dry. Crazy, I know but they all finally got dry and we have been able to put them away. The carrier we bought to strap around our waist to carry Kinsley in- also got saturated so we had to wash that too! We are also washing our dirty clothes in the bathroom sink, by hand, and hanging them on our portable clothes line that we brought. That clothes line is a lifesaver!! We were told that laundry service here is very expensive so we came prepared to do our own!

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