Thursday, November 18, 2010

Almost home 4 weeks!

She is still doing great!  She can say a few more words every day.  She can now say-- house shoes, say the blessing, amen, ma-ma's coffee, ba-ba's coffee, NO! and probably a few more.  This morning before we ate breakfast, I was blowing on her spoon of oatmeal and she grabbed my hand.  I said wait, wait, ma-ma is cooling it and she said "say the blessing.  That was so sweet.  We usually hold hands and say it before each meal and she was reminding me we had not said it this morning. She always says amen afterwards!  She seems to be regressing in her potty training.  For the first 2 weeks in China and the first 2 weeks home, she did not have any accidents at all.  When we were home for 2 1/2  weeks was when she started having accidents.   She will still tell us when she has to go potty, but by the time we get into the bathroom she has already went or is in the process of going.  So for now I am putting a pull-up on her all of the time. We always re-assure her that we are not mad at her but to please tell us before she goes potty.  I have read several blogs of people who have adopted children her age from China and they mostly all said their children did that too.  I guess she is having to adjust to so much so fast that something has to give.  Otherwise things are doing great!!  She is becoming more and more bold in playing at the playground where, at first, she was really reserved. Oh well she has just woke up from her nap so I better go!

Night #3 with her bed in our room

We finally put her bed at the end of our bed.  She had been sleeping on our bed at the foot, where I would kick her (not hard) numerous times during the night.  So we decided to try moving her bed into our room.  She has done well.  The first night, she fell asleep there and got up in the middle of the night without a sound and climbed over the foot board into our bed where she slept (at the foot) for the rest of the night.  Night #2 she fell asleep in our bed, then Wayne put her into her bed.  She slept there until about 3:00 when she climbed over into our bed and this time she wanted to sleep between us.  Last night Wayne put her back into her bed when she climbed over and she cried and cried but we were both by her side until she fell back to sleep (in her own bed) and she stayed there until morning :-)  She will not let us cover her up so we have to wait until she is totally asleep then she usually leaves it on all night.

Extreme Tricycling!!!!

She loves it when Ba-Ba pushes her on the tricycle.  But she really really loves it when Ba-Ba goes to the extreme!!!  She cried and cried wanting more when Wayne finally stopped to rest because he was exhausted.   

Gatman Park

She loved playing with Bethany and Benjamin.  She also loved playing with Bella.  What a nice day it was! 

Kinsley with Yeah-Yeah

She took up with my dad from day one at the airport.  She loves to visit with Yeah-Yeah and Lo-Lo.  Yeah-Yeah takes her outside to play, strolling, to the park, etc.  She loves her Yeah-Yeah.  He is so good to take up time with the grandchildren!  He will even play dolls and have tea with her- now if that ain't love, I don't know what is :-)

Trying out her hat!

She likes the hat.  She wore it for a while.
She has tried many times to ride her tricycle but her little legs would not peddle the thing.  Well--she finally got the hang of it and the Video is the first time she actually did it all by herself!!
The pic is of her the next night riding it again.  She wanted to wear that head band/bow in her hair.  No I don't keep a bow in her hair when she wears her pajamas!!

Another trip to Chruch

She does fairly good in Church.  By the time preaching starts she has been quiet long enough.  She gets restless (as a 2 year old should) so we take her to the nursery and stay back there with her.  For now we rotate staying back there with her.  She would probably do fine without one of us but we have not tried that yet.